Tuesday, 16 March 2010

Neon Posters

Developing on from the posters before I have now experimented with using lighting and blur effects to create the letters to look as though they are like neon lights. The reason for doing this is because I thought of lighting in a bar or club and what seems to be attractive in eye catching when you walk in to a dark bar. My favourite one out of the two is the red lettered one as it works well in comparison to the Bacardi logo.

To help me create this effect I used a tutorial off of the Computer Arts website which is called 'creating lighting techniques'.


Thursday, 11 March 2010

Poster Designs

Using the leg typeface I have created a few different posters focusing on message and impact using catchy slogans and colourful images. I have experimented with different backgrounds and using line and fill colour for the typeface to see which one works best. In my opinion I think I will be going ahead with 'Shake It' keeping it a filled black colour for the time being.

Poster Designs

With the typefaces I am putting them to use of creating a set of posters, drink mats, and drink labels.

Now with the talk that I had with Justin we went through a possible layouts for posters where I could include the drink bottles in the poster and also what other uses I could do with the typefaces that I have created.
From my crit and talking to Justin and Joe the two fonts that work the best and are strong enough for this brief is the leg typeface and the Fourth typeface that I made (the last one).

One of the ideas was the accetate idea of printing the poster onto accetate A2 size and photographing the poster in a bar infront of alcohol bottles to set it in context by only issue and what others have suggested is that the typography might get lost within the photograph and this is what I mainly want to be seen. An easy way around this is to photograph alcohol bottles in a bar and apply this to the image in Photoshop myself so the typography is then clearly seen.

The other idea is to create the a transperent label message and wrap this around the bottle and photograph this as one of my posters.

Shown below is my experiementation with all four typefaces in different poster layouts.
Looking at the posters and getting feedback from them I have decided that from the four typefaces that I have made I will now be only using two of the strong ones to use for my posters, beer mats and drink labels and using the other two as a development process to show that I have looked at other ideas.

Tuesday, 9 March 2010

Fourth Lip Typeface

This is the strongest out of the all the typefaces I have created this is because of its form of letters and the detailed image fill in the text. It shows a strong and impactful image that can be clearly read close up and from afar this is good for applying to labels and large scale design.

Monday, 8 March 2010

Third Lip Typeface

I really like this typeface but from getting feedback from my piers and tutors they think I have other typefaces that are stronger and that work better and that will work on my promotional work better in the way that they will be more legiable and can be clearly seen from a distance.

Second Lip Typeface

This typeface does not work at all it looks to clip arty and doesn't shout out to me as something that is good and will work for Bacardi, so its back to developing this.

Foiling Lip Typeface

I had a go at the print process of foiling using the heat press on the typeface that I have just created to see if this would create much impact and vibrance to be seen on a drink label. Compared to the type being in illustrator I think the foil loses the quality of the type and is faded in parts which is probably due to the paper stock or the amount of ink that has been printed on the paper. I think it makes a nice visual image but to work as a foiled typeface it isn't strong enough.

Tuesday, 2 March 2010

Lip Typeface

From the lipmarks I created, I created a typeface by using the type design I created to represent lips and used the lipmarks as a clipping mask. I find that this typeface isn't very easy to ready and I need to work on this and develop it make it stronger and legiable otherwise it wont be able to be seen on a large scale or even on bottle labels or any other promotion work.

Lip Typeface

I wanted to create my own typeface that represented the shape of the lips to work with the lip marks that I created. Below is the typeface I created that subtly shows the shape of the lips. The next stage that I am working towards now is to vector the type and work with the lipstick marks with the type.

Lip Marks

After scanning in the lipstick marks into the computer I manipulated the image using multiply and overlay to make the image more darker. I also added more lip marks in so it looked more busy when used in a letter form.

I will now be taking this image and applying it to the typeface that I will be creating.

Monday, 1 March 2010

Lipstick marks

From my analysation of my research and what I have been looking at I said that I wanted to look at women's features to create alongside my leg typeface. So using red lipstick I have created some lip marks on layout paper where I will be taking these into the computer to create a typeface with.

I want to develop this further by creating a set of posters using photography focusing on the mouth using seductive poses and using materials to emphasise this. From my research on my design context blog I have been looking at a few photos for inspiration.